Paring Coconut Oil

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Paring Coconut Oil

Paring coconut oil is a type of coconut oil that is extracted from the outer layer, or "pare," of the coconut meat. It is a high-quality, pure coconut oil that is rich in medium-chain fatty acids and has a delicate coconut aroma and flavor. Paring coconut oil is commonly used in cooking and baking, as well as in the production of soaps, cosmetics, and other personal care products. It is also a popular natural remedy for skin and hair care, as it can provide moisturizing and nourishing benefits. 

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Chemical Name



Light to dark brown viscous liquid

11 - 18

Moisture, %

10.0 max

Density, kg/liter

1.0 - 1.2

Ash, %

6.0 max

MONG (Matter Organic Non-glycerine)

4.0 max

Purity, %

80.0 min