Crude Coconut Oil

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Crude Coconut Oil

Crude coconut oil is an unrefined oil that is extracted from the meat of the coconut. It is a natural and versatile product that can be used in a variety of ways. Crude coconut oil has a distinctive coconut aroma and flavor and is commonly used for cooking and baking, as well as in the production of soaps, cosmetics, and other personal care products. It is also a popular natural remedy for skin and hair care, as it can provide moisturizing and nourishing benefits. 

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Chemical Name



Light to dark brown viscous liquid

11 - 18

Moisture, %

10.0 max

Density, kg/liter

1.0 - 1.2

Ash, %

6.0 max

MONG (Matter Organic Non-glycerine)

4.0 max

Purity, %

80.0 min